Added a new tool at the bottom-right in Repository > Mods Manager tab, “List possibly broken mods”.Debugdrawer now only renders in main view by default and not in Render Views anymore.Fixed an issue with Render Views not being able to debug draw: drawBox, drawSquarePrism, drawSphere, and drawCylinder now.Added a warning when selecting Windowed mode, informing those who have enabled G-Sync for windowed applications that they may experience severely decreased framerates.Should work a little better now in off-road terrain Refactored the vehicle placement code.Added debug mode for sound source locations (.Fixed an issue which caused roller & spinner props to not function correctly with “off” ignition level.Added heuristic to automatically set valid ignition levels for trailer-like vehicles.Added ability to define valid ignition levels and the preferred ignition level handling method in jbeam.Fixed issues with suspension when using 17x8 wheels.Fixed Dune Edition configurations using race final drives - now they use 4:10.

Adjusted ZXT configuration descriptions to match their actual equipment.Fixed mismatched differential ration on ZXT configurations.